HATB~ E-News Letter Vol 2, Issue 1 August 25, 2023

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HATB E-NEWS Vol 2, Issue 1

Message from Administration

Welcome Back
Ms. Danielle Faulkner
Educational Director

I hope everyone has had a relaxing and fun summer break! We are so excited to see all of your smiling faces again! It is our pleasure to welcome you all to the 2023 – 2024 school year! I would like to welcome all of our new families. We are excited to share with you all that HATB has to offer and believe you will soon feel as we do- that HATB is a special place for our scholars. Our educators, support staff, families, and other education partners are ready to welcome you into the HATB family.

As has been our mission at HATB, we will continue to strive for academic excellence and social and emotional well-being for all of our students while looking through a lens of equity and inclusion. We will work together to create a solid foundation for our students so that they have the opportunity to become self-directed learners, collaborative teammates, critical thinkers, and responsible citizens. 

HATB’s outstanding educators create the foundation for your child’s academic success. In addition, a large part of HATB’s success can be attributed to its active and engaged parents. I am looking forward to continuing our collaboration of providing your children with an effective and engaging educational experience. As always, we will look to our families to be positive partners in their children’s educational journey. The HATB staff has always made a priority of working together as a caring and compassionate learning community with professionalism, teamwork, action, and expertise. We will always put the best interests of our students at the center of our purpose. Join us in ensuring the success of all HATB students by participation in the HATB PTO. 

As always, my door is open and our team welcomes your input. Please feel free to contact me via email at  [email protected] or call to make an appointment to speak with me to discuss any ideas you feel will make this the best year yet!


Candle Lighting Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
     Friday, August 25
7:41 pm
Shabbat Ends:
     Shabbat, Aug 26                          8:34 pm
Torah Portion: KI TEITZEI

Shabbat Shalom

Parent's Corner

A Heartfelt Thank You to:

the dedicated staff at HATB who worked tirelessly to finalize classes and schedules, engage in professional learning opportunities, and update our instructional models, class routines, and expectations, all with the goal of fostering academic success and a true sense of connectedness and belonging for our students. 

HATB Social Media
Our Facebook page has moved to /hebrewacademytampabay and we have a new Instagram account under the same name. Be sure to check them out, like and follow for the latest info and TONS of photos!
Conscious Discipline
A wonderful opportunity for parents to partner with the school as we transform our lives. Learn more...
Lost & Found
Our Lost and Found is located in a basket in the front of the lobby. Please be sure to check the basket for any items your child may have misplaced. At the end of each month, any items left in the Lost and Found basket will be donated to those in need. 

Inclement Weather Notification
We want to be sure you know where to go to find school closure notification. We follow Hillsborough County Public Schools for initial school closures. You will also receive a What's App notification specifically for HATB. Please keep an eye on your local TV & radio stations as well as HATB social media.


Brightwheel Highlights
Calendar and Upcoming Events

Mon, Sept 4- Labor Day- SCHOOL CLOSED

Fri, Sept 15- Rosh Hashanah- SCHOOL CLOSED

Mon, Sept 25- Yom Kippur- SCHOOL CLOSED 

New @ HATB


  • Morah Hadas joined our infant room. 
  • Morah Hilary is our newest addition to our Primary classroom. 
  • Ms. Jessica and Morah Jordana joined our Lower Elementary class.
  • Ms Stacy joined our Upper Elementary General Studies class. 


  • Shalom & Yehuda Amram
  • Tzadik David
  • Avigayil Gondelman
  • Marc Gordon
  • Maggie & Leah Batya Konigsberg
  • Benjamin Lewis
  • Avishai & Elijah Murray
  • Chany, Mordechai & Tziry Rosenberg


  • Matthew Leskowitz
  • Aliya Mann
  • Leon Mirabel
  • Hinda Rubashkin
  • Hadassah Shimonov
  • Pinny Steinmetz
  • Romi Taylor
  • Tzvi Yarmush
HATB Community

First week back to school 

Our Primary scholars were excited to jump back into the work cycle routine. 


Lower Elementary enjoying a soccer break. 


Nissi showing off him his Elul poster with matching script and block playdough letters. 


Upper Elementary Students shared stories with the Primary students.